Cubo Projects

OHS&E Resources

  • To be completed prior to working work on any Cubo Projects building site.

    Complete form.

  • You are required to complete this on every Cubo Projects building site you work on and prior to commencement of works.

    Complete form.

  • When an injury or near miss has occured that required/would have required medical attention, you must fill in this form.

    Complete form.

  • Any forseeable hazard that has the potential of causing an injury requires you to fill in this form.

    Complete form.

  • You must read the Cubo Projects OHS&E Plan as part of your induction process.

    Download Plan PDF.

  • Useful information for all contractors working on Cubo Projects building sies:

    View list.

  • Please fill this in every time you are about to complete a "High Risk Activity" on a Cubo Projects building site.

    Complete form.